Our Mission
Behind the Scenes
Since 2019, our mission has been “Intentionally Enriching Student’s Lives” by providing financial resources that allow for unique experiences not typically provided in public education, including school and classroom grants so teachers can find creative ways to raise student achievement

What is the Moreno Valley Education Foundation?
Public, non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization
Chartered as a non-profit corporation in the state of California
Distinct from the Board of Education and School/District Administration
Work in partnership with school administration to "augment, supplement or complement programs and activities currently being provided by the district"
What is the purpose of Moreno Valley Education Foundation?
Solicit, manage and distribute funds that support and enhance educational opportunities for ALL students
Intentionally enrich Moreno Valley Unified School District students’ lives through additional educational opportunities
Develop partnerships with corporate, business, and the community as a whole
Create volunteer opportunities
How can Moreno Valley Education Foundation support our students and teachers?
Partner with businesses and other non-profits to bring in resources for teachers and students within Moreno Valley Unified School District
Provide funding, instruments and materials to help prepare students to be competitive in a global economy
Provide funding to teachers that will enhance and innovate the educational experience for students within the Moreno Valley Unified School District
Provide opportunities for students to explore their passions, promote deeper learning, and increase student engagement